joi, 26 februarie 2009
Skinny look
No....they are not mine...I hope someday I will draw better than this. These are amazing fashion illustrations from wacker eins team from Berlin.Love the colour mix
women in art
this is a short presentation of women figure in paintings from renaissance to fovism and surrealism. It's interesting to follow how a certain type of figure was embraced by painters over the centuries.
miercuri, 11 februarie 2009
Halston Renaissance
This is the Halston’s Fall ‘09 presentation with a New York run. I really enjoy this kind of presentations and watch how fashion is evolving every day with new original ideas.
vineri, 6 februarie 2009
Egyptian wig
I arrived yesterday at my parents and I tried to dissect my home computer to find some old projects of mine. This is what I discovered. It's a 2005 egyptian wig made of silk thread and sequins. Here is my press conference wrote for this project.
"Peruca adaptata zilelor noastre are ca sursa de inspiratie perioda Egiptului Antic,fiind unul din tipurile de peruci purtate de femeile aflate in categoria inaltei societati si anume a regalitatii.
Bogatia ornamentelor mi-a atras atentia asupra superbei perioade textile..La o analiza mai atenta m-am focalizat asupra detaliilor atent lucrate cu fire de matase si paiete.
Calitatea superioara a acestei peruci sugereaza faptul ca a fost realizata in mod profesional pentru o femeie cu mijloace.Eleganta constrangere a decoratiunilor se potriveste perfect culorilor pale
Combinatia gri metalizat –roz pal si auriu este de inspiratie orientala, simbolizand longevitatea.Tocmai aceasta cromatica restransa si relativ neutra da o anumita eleganta compozitiei.
Forma caracteristica periodei se evidentiaza prin intretaierea liniilor formand zigzaguri amplaste simetric.Aceste zigzaguri urmeaza un ritm aflat in crescendo,completat de un joc de plin –gol al firelor de matase ce se continua circular in jurul tamplelor si a cefei..Firele de matase care sunt lasate sa cada vertical mimeaza existenta unei podoabe capilare si au rolul de a completa coafura. Partea frontala reprezinta centrul de interes al acestei lucrari printr-o forma curba ce aminteste de silueta unei cobre. Toate aceste linii se conbina ,formand un intreg- calota ce se muleaza perfect pe suprafata capului.
Titlul sugereaza evolutia pe care a parcurs-o forma unui acoperamant avand in vedere toate transformarile elementelor care au disparut sau care s-au adaugat de alungul secolelor.Modernitatea a dus la o constrangere a simplitatii astfel incat totul se abstractizeaza pentru a deveni cat mai practic.
Peruca este conceputa a fi purtata de o femeie excentrica dar care stie sa isi puna in valoare feminitatea."
joi, 5 februarie 2009
marți, 3 februarie 2009
First Master Diploma Dress
So this year I will finish for good the university with a master diploma I hope. I've just finished the first 2 kg wool dress that my mother helped me knitt. She is allways there for me and helps with no mather what. I am very impressed how this kind of fabric behaves on the human body so I tryed to play a little bit with this technique beacuse I can easily change the shape of the dress. This time I will do exactly what I feel with no advices of my teachers. I will say no to everything I learned and try to experiment. The texture is very important because it gives a primitive and savage energy to this look.
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KROITOREASA-another face in the fashion crowd