Rochie tip lalea realizata din bumbac cu imprimeu animalier. Elastica in jurul bustului, se prinde dupa gat prin doua benzi cu volanase din latex negru.Rochia se poarta cu o centura(curea) in jurul taliei.
Lungime totala 65 cm(de desupra bustului pana la genunchi)
Potrivita pentru o inaltime medie de 1.65-1.75 m
Marime S/M
Tulip dress made of cotton with animal print. Elastic around chest,it closes at the back of the neck with two bands of layered latex . The dress has to be worn with a belt around the waist.
Total length 65 cm (above the chest to the knee)
Suitable for an average height of 1.65-1.75 m
Price 40 EURO
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