So, I've just finished this shooting, and it was so fun, I would do it every day. The dresses that I designed specialy for the Mittelmoda International Lab exhibition in Como, Italy (see,were made of georgette and satin silk provided by the Nordtessile S.P.A. This event had for me a great importance because I've got in touch with people from all around the world of the same spirit, I've made a lot of friends but above all I learned more about this particular way of creating.
5 comentarii:
i found your blog randomly, and really love it.
it's quite inspiring and your work is beautful,
your dresses turned out amazing, good luck.
I found your blog quite randomly, and I love it.
your work is beautiful, and your dresses turned out lovely.
Thanks Mariah, it's very supporting what u said. The only thing I want is people to appreciate,just like you. Good luck to u too.
imi place foarte mult culoarea mint ce ai folosit-o :) ai si cusut-o tu sau faci doar schitele si ai oameni care se ocupa de partea de productie? pupici si spor in continuare! te-am pus la blogroll btw :)
Extraordinar! Ma uimesti pe zi ce trece! Pentru cei care nu o cunosc pe Raluca, va spun eu PUR SUBIECTIV - omul poate sa nu atraga prea mult atentia...dar ARTISTUL e de mare exceptie! E o onoare si o mandrie pentru orice casa de moda sa o poata numara printre designeri! Bravo, Ralu!Vive le bon gout!
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